Wednesday, November 7, 2012

bonfire wars

Brilliantly thrilling - and slightly scary - bonfire night here, with one huge impromptu firework display piled up on some sand in the middle of the estate, and then what can only be described as firework wars between large numbers of children/teenagers not only throwing fireworks at each other but picking up thrown fireworks and running around with them.

Sunday, November 4, 2012

some joy

Definitely using the weather as an excuse to eat cakes - and where better to go, if you live in North London than Ottolenghis? If you can bear the everyday scrum that is yummy mummies, creative professionals and ladies who lunch. 


Surprisingly excited by Christmas this year, although still find it early for the decorations to be up in Oxford and Regent Streets. Trying not to go on about the weather, but the unlit decs - sponsored by marmite - are a symphony in monochrome with the sky.

halloween (not)

Halloween has been and gone, with plenty of dressing up in the usual fashion (cue ghoulish laughter.) My neighbour however - who also comes in the eccentric category - chose to dress up as his former self, a teddy boy. In the original jacket he has had since his twenties. Respect.